Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


55,000 children die each year in the United States due to life-limiting illnesses and conditions, and most of these deaths occur in hospitals. Pediatric nurses play a crucial role in providing "palliative, end-of-life, and bereavement care to dying children and their families" (Tubbs-Coo le, Santucci, & Kang, 2011 ). Educating clinicians and nurses about end-of-life decision-making and management of infants and children, in the framework of family-centered care, has not kept up to date with developments in medicine. (Beckstrand, Rawle, Callister & Madleco, 2010). Enriching the education of pediatric nurses, by integrating family centered care values, is expected to enhance the preparation of families for the dying process and assist the nurses with the emotional adaptation necessary in this challenge environment. Utilizing the Adult Leaming Theory and the Synergy Model for Patient Care, an overview of pediat1ic palliative care is discussed and a sample of a lesson plan for a professional development program was developed. 1 anticipate that educating pediatric intensive care nurses will lead to an increased use of palliative care services, improve communication to families and reduce personal dilemmas
