
Ruth Eckstrom

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Cardiovascular disease is a leading killer in the United States and worldwide. Diet as a modifiable risk factor can have a beneficial impact on the reduction of cardiovascular risk. The purpose of this document is to determine the evidence that supports the most effective cardioprotective dietary interventions which can be recommended to patients to reduce the cardiovascular risk factors of elevated low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and hypertension. An extensive review of the literature was conducted to detinning the evidence that supports the most effective cardio-protective dietary interventions using Pub Med, CINAHL, and the World Wide Web. Based on the evidence reviewed, whole food diets that emphasize the intake of plants - fruits, vegetables and whole grains - are very important to reduce the cardiovascular risk factors of elevated LDL-C and hype1iension. The whole food diets include: DASH, the TLC, and Mediteranea diets - all good options for cardiovascular risk reduction that meet recommended dietary guidelines. Greater emphasis should be placed on diet as a cost effective non-thanatological health promotion intervention. Although a dietary lifestyle change is challenging for many, clinician intonation combined with patient preference in choice of options would promote greater long term adherence.
