Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The purpose of this project is to identify the best practices in improving birth outcomes for Native American women with gestational diabetes (GDM). The true prevalence of GDM is unknown; however, pregnant women in the United States are being diagnosed at alarming rates. This project surveys the current practices being utilized to help improve outcomes. The research draws upon journal articles found on CINHAL, PUBMED and Cochrane databases. The results of this analysis of literature will be may be useful in determining best practices and interventions that will help improve birth outcomes in Native American women with GDM. Nursing and other health team members must intervene to assist the patient diagnosed with GDM in knowing and understanding the importance of screening and follow-up, nutritional goals and important lifestyle changes to help improve the birth outcome of their baby. The practices found in the literature may be implemented when caring for pregnant women with GDM. The evidence gathered through the literature review has been incorporated into an oral Power Point presentation to be delivered to Quentin N. Burdick Memorial Health Care Facility's medical staff, nurses and administration.
