"Educating Nurses on The Impact of Domestic Violence on Preschool Child" by Beverly A. Gibson

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Background: Domestic violence crosses all boundaries of culture, ethnicity, religion, education, age and socioeconomic class. Exposing young, impressionable children to violence may be traumatic and life-altering. Exposure to domestic violence can harm children cognitively, emotionally, physically and developmentally. During infancy and early childhood, children make frequent acute and well-child visits to healthcare providers. These frequent visits provide nurses multiple opportunities to identify risk and offer interventions that may foster a child's resilience to the impact of domestic violence exposure.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to provide a continuing education session for nurses to increase their knowledge base regarding the devastating impact that exposure to domestic violence may have on preschool children ages zero to five. It is hoped that the knowledge and tools the nurses receive will in turn help them enhance a child's resiliency to vio Jenee exposure

Audience: The continuing education will be offered in written format and published in the North Dakota Nurses Association quarterly publication, The Prairie Rose. Audience will be nurses interested in domestic violence and/or nurses who wish to fulfill continuing education units (CEUs).

Theoretical Framework: Resiliency theory explains how children survive abuse and arc not damaged because of it. Resiliency focuses on factors that help protect children and provide the motivation for continuous healthy growth and development

Implications: Increased knowledge of the negative effects exposure to domestic violence has on children may help nurses to more readily identify those children at risk. Education and awareness may also assist nurses to make appropriate and timely interventions and referrals, which may ultimately prevent further exposure of a child to domestic violence
