Date of Award


Document Type

Graduate Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


This paper explores the best methods to increase vaccination rates in the Veteran population. The Veteran community is comprised of the young and old, both female and male, and individuals with a healthy or unhealthy status. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Healthy People 2020 were sites utilized, retrieving data and statistics to emphasize the need for this annual vaccination. This information iterates the need for complete compliance from every Veteran. PubMed and Cinahl allowed for a literature review of previously studied populations. This review led to a multifaceted, multi-professional approach to increasing vaccination rates among populations examined. Integrating this approach into the Veteran community allows for a successful outcome of increasing vaccination rates to I 00% participation. Nurses employed at Audie L. Murphy VA Hospital in San Antonio, Texas will be informed of best practices in increasing vaccination rates among the Veteran community via a power point presentation. Nurses will play an active role in promoting the administration of the influenza vaccination via methods such as assessment of the Veteran's immunization status, presenting educational sessions, and distributing educational material. Nurses will educate this population, based on factual information regarding the influenza virus and influenza vaccination. Nurses will increase awareness by serving as a resource to all Veterans throughout the influenza season
