"Low Bone Mineral Density in Inflammatory Bowel Disease" by Molly K. Torvik

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Low bone mineral density is a common and detrimental extra-intestinal complication in inflammatory bowel disease (IBO). There are several factors known to contribute to low bone mineral density in this population. The case outlined reviews a postmenopausal female with osteoporosis. While low bone mineral density in postmenopausal women is well-studied and often applied to 180, the process of bone loss is different in IBD which makes treatment more difficult. The literature review discusses the increased 1isk for low bone mineral density in IBD, factors increasing its risk, current screening and preventive care recommendations, barriers to improved bone mineral density in IBD, and future treatments. Although low bone mineral density is a well-known complication of IBD, its management is often neglected in patients with IBD. Screening, preventive care, and treatment of low bone mineral density remain poorly implemented among health care providers. There remains a need for additional studies to better understand the pathophysiology of low bone mineral density in IBD, improve screening and preventive care guidelines, and discover more successful treatment options

An online literature search was conducted using the University of North Dakota's Harley E. French Library of the Health Sciences to find literah1re addressing this topic. The database used in this search was PubMed. In the search, the Advanced Search Builder was used with keywords "Inflammatory Bowel Disease" AND "osteoporosis" which yielded 548 results. The limit of articles published in English was then applied which narrowed results to 467. The next filter applied allowed only results published within the past five years in order to include the most recent research. After this filter was applied, 122 results remained. The last filter applied narrowed down results with free full text available which left 42 articles. After reviewing these articles, twelve were relevant to the topic.
