"Diabetes Education: Supporting The Pre-Adolescent Child" by Janet M. Mattson

Date of Award


Document Type

Graduate Project

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


A diagnosis of Type I diabetes impacts every aspect of life for the pre-adolescent child. ln order to successfully manage Type J diabetes, the child must learn the complex regimen of its ca re. The responsibility for diabetes se lf-ca re begins to transfer to the child at pre-adolescence. Controlling diabetes is difficult for the pre-adolescent, however, clue to the lack of understanding the complex concepts of this disease and the unique developmental tasks associated with this age group. Diabetes educat ion must support the cogniti ve level and developmental needs of the pre-adolescent. Literature emphasizes the need for age appropriate diabetes education, yet research is lacking in \.Vhat constitutes age appropriate knowledge for diabetes care as well as what specific educational approach is most effective fo r the pre-adolescent age group. Pre-adolescents may benefit from learn ing about diabetes at school. In an independent project conducted by a school nurse, the Diabetes Quiz for Pre-Teens, a diabetes educational tool was developed, proposing to be developmentally appropriate for the pre-adolescent with Type J diabetes. Two pre-adolescents with Type I diabetes, utilized as having expertise, assisted with developing the content of the questions and answers for the quiz, revealing their knowledge of diabetes care. The diabetes knowledge presented in the content of the questions was found to be lower than \;,,,hat was anticipated, reinforcing that this age group lacks the knowledge and understanding to self-manage their diabetes. Experienced school nurses evaluating the quiz indicated that the quiz appears to be a method for developmentally appropriate diabetes education, may impact pre-adolescents learning about diabetes at school, and most intended to util ize the quiz for their educational efforts in diabetes education at school
