Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Oral anticoagulant therapy is recommended as a therapeutic prophylaxis treatment against thromboembolism for patients with atrial fibrillation who are at high risk of having a stroke. While this medication has life saving benefits, potential adverse side effects with life threatening risks also exist. Medication adherence and patient lifestyle decisions influence the associated risks. To reduce potential for patient harm associated with oral anticoagulation therapy, the Joint Commission implemented a national patient safety goal in the ambulatory care setting indicating patient education should be an essential part of an anticoagulation therapy program (2012). Through a comprehensive review of literature, insufficient knowledge was found to negatively impact adherence to therapy and increase the risk of an anticoagulant related adverse event for the patient. The findings were used to guide the development of an oral anticoagulation therapy education booklet. The booklet contains essential components to effectively give patients the necessary knowledge of safe management practices and associated risks of OAT in order to achieve optimal health outcomes. This booklet will serve as a resourceful teaching outline for the healthcare provider and a home reference guide for the patient
