"Crisis Management for Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder" by Emily Duch


Emily Duch

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by mood instability, emotional dysregularity, !ability in interpersonal relationships, pervasive issues with self image, and behavioral issues (National Alliance on Mental Tllness, 2011 ). Many patients with BPD exhibit self-injurious behavior that may or may not be suicidal in nature. This aspect of BPD is often times what leads to inpatient hospitalization. There is no proven benefit in hospitalizing patients presenting with this behavior, and some say it even has adverse outcomes for the patient (Berrino, et al., 2011; Paris, 2004). Patients with this specific diagnosis make up a large portion of those utilizing mental health services, and therefore more focus needs to be placed on ensuring that the services in place are appropriate and provide the most effective interventions possible. This project explored the options for interventions when treating patients with BPD to determine the most effective interventions for care providers to utilize when a patient presents in an acute crisis. The information gathered from the literature search and from the examination of current programs was compiled and presented to staff at an inpatient behavior health unit to examine the options of creating a formal crisis management plan. After presentation and discussion, it was decided that there was not sufficient evidence for implementation of a crisis management plan at this time, but that several people were interested continuing to research the topic
