"An Exploratory Study of the Characteristic of Rural Public Libraries i" by Merilyn L. Peterson

Date of Award

Winter 1-1-1969

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Languages & Literatures


The importance of libraries and their shortage in most agrarian areas prompted the writer to evaluate the libraries in rural North Dakota. This was done through questionnaires sent to sixty-nine libraries existing in towns with a maximum population of 5,000. All except three responded, giving a 96 per cent return. As the questionnaires were received, their results were coded and placed on IBM cards. The data were then processed to record frequency and percentage of responses to each question. This study reveals the extent of the individual library collec tions, circulation statistics, service to patrons, the physical characteristics of each library, the qualifications of the librarians, and general library usage. The results indicate that most of the libraries are inadequate Although approximately 50 per cent meet national minimum standards as prescribed by the American Library Association, they all have several inadequacies which prevent maximum utilization by rural people.
