Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


The author developed a learning event that is designed to provide a continuation of the didactic and c linica l methodologies taught in undergraduate, basic nurse education programs. T he staff development learning event Effective Blood Pressure Measurement is based upon a clinical question this author posed after years of professional observation noting the ambiguity demo nstrated by health care providers and various institutions with regards to clinical practice guideline use, and the lack of enforcement on training and oversight of accurate blood pressure measurement (BPM) in the c linical setting. The ambiguity and lack of oversight has been linked to poor blood pressure contro l in some of our most vulnerable populations, and has led to the expense and a my riad o f unintended consequences such as prescribing hy pertensive medication to someo ne w ho is normotensive (white-coat hypertension). and the absence of inquiry mto differential diagnoses. rhe aim of the event is to ensure proper training of observers as to the essential components for ensuring blood pressure measurement accuracy of the adult. ambulatory care patient for experienced nursing staff in a large, fami ly practice clinica l setting. The learning event 1s designed to provide two, t,>.,o-hour blocks of inst ruction which incorporates didactic, classroom and e-lea rning instruction w ith an observational structured examination (OBSE) component to be delivered during the annual ski lls fair of nursing staff. Another consideration for use of this event would be in the initial orientation of newly hired nursing staff and for reeducation and/or just in time training. The learners will become familiar with the Jo int National Committee (JNC-7) on Pre rention. Detection. Evaluation. and treatment of High Blood Pressure and the American Heart Association (AHA) Counci l on High Blood Pressure Research' specific g uidelines regarding blood pressure measurement and screening techniques, and will be able to apply these principle and standards in the routine blood pressure screening of adult ambulatory, family practice clinical patients
