Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Smoking during pregnancy is the sin g1 e most preventable and modifiable risk factor that is responsible for poor maternal and fi t 1 . e a outcomes, yet 1t remains a major public health problem. Despite the abundance of well-kno wn n·s k factors and adverse health outcomes associated with maternal smoking' many women co n tm· ue to smoke dun·n g pregnancy. Maternal smokm· g r· s responsible for low birth weight bab 1· es, preterm d eh·v en·e s, and sudden m· fant death syndrome 2 and long term chronic health conditions of the child. During pregnancy women have an increased desire to quit smoking and health care providers need to take advantage of this opportune time and help pregnant women quit smoking. The purpose of literature review was to examine and evaluate the evidence related to smoking cessation interventions currently available to pregnant women. Additionally, this literature review assisted in the development of an evidenced based educational intervention to be used by healthcare providers to facilitate an effective way to promote smoking cessation in pregnant women. Interventions that were proven effective were adapted and combined to deliver an intervention that is evidenced based. Based upon the literatures most effective techniques, when combined, a tool that is easy to deliver with a short time frame ( 5 to 15 minutes) can lead to success of smoking cessation; this educational PowerPoint serves as a short effective tool that offers education, counseling, self-help materials and a video. Successful interventions to help pregnant women quit smoking are available and should be integrated into routine care. The intervention described is supported by evidence in the literature and requires minimal time and resources
