Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Domestic violence (DV) has been around for many years. Today and for the last several decades, it had become increasingly known as a large social problem. This project gave the nurses working in the federal nursing stations of isolated northern Manitoba information and education on DV. The aim of this project was to improve the nurses' ability to screen, detect, communicate, support, and refer victims ofDV to the appropriate resources. This project was based on two parts: an education package and a telephone conference that took place with the nursing stations . The education package consisted of a variety of information DV, such as: risk factors, prevalence, the cycle of violence, types ofDV, health effects, legal implications for reporting and documenting in the province of Manitoba, the Abuse Assessment Screening Tool, an algorithm, a resource directory, and an internet resource list. These topics were included in that package to give the nurses an overview ofDV, information on screening, and to help refer the victims of DV to the appropriate resources . An educational package was sent out to each of the nursing station. The nurses working in the isolated federal nursing stations were the population/group participating in the telephone conference. Consent and evaluations forms were sent out with the education package. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. No compensation was provided for the participants. The duration of the telephone conference was approximately 45 minutes.

The results of this project were restricted by the limited participation. Out of a possible 75 nurses that could have attended, 14 nurses participated and only 5 evaluations were returned. The education packages are in the nursing stations and will remain there . Even though only 14 nurses participated, all nurses may use this package. This project is a step in the continued education of nurses on DV. As the nurses working in northern Manitoba are working with a population at high risk for DV, it is important that they be aware of this issue and how to deal with DV when it arises in their practice
