"Acute Otitis Media" by Tonia A. G. Poirier

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Acute otitis media (AOM) is a common childhood illness that almost every child experiences by the time that they are five years of age. AOM is a self-limiting condition in which analgesics are thought to be efficient in treating the pain in these children. Literature was reviewed and the information that was compiled was presented as a PowerPoint presentationto a local group of mothers with children under the age of 6 years. This information explained the anatomy of the ear, the risk factors for AOM, treatment options, and preventative measures for AOM. As a future Nurse Practitioner, it is imperative that we understand what the needs of the parents are for the children that we are evaluating. It is our duty to provide the education needed and to share in the informed decision making process with the parents when a child is faced with an illness. We need to empower parents and providers to take a stand in a time where overprescribing is a global issue and leading us down a pathway of drug resistance. This is a multifactoral condition where guidelines are in place, but now must be revisited to ensure parents are aware of the treatment plans used to effectively manage AOM .
