"Computer Effects On Traditional Management Organizational Structures" by Jhon D. Pietila

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration (MBA)


With the implementation of computer technology into modern company management, the very principles and concepts upon which the theory of management fundamentals are based, namely Planning, Organizing, Directing, and Controlling, are in jeopardy.

This study attempts to relate automation to organization and management and to explain how the computer has affected the traditional structural elements of managerial organization and decision making. Just what type of organizational structure will fit in where automation predominates? Line? Functional? Staff? Committee? Or some sort of combination? Indeed, are any of these traditional methods today even appropriate?

The ADP displaced worker situation is portrayed and action for its alleviation are suggested. Managerial approaches to coping with decision making, personal training, and organizational structure evolving from an ADP influenced society are presented. New equipment advances and current techniques are discussed and the feasibility of the "total system" considered in terms of its relationship to management.

Included in

Business Commons
