"The Future Of The Small Business Administration And their Lending Prog" by Gregory D. Shirley

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration (MBA)


The SBA is one of many federal agencies that are being scrutinized as to the use of the funds they receive from the Federal Government. The SBA's loan programs have been criticized for not being cost effective. This paper will examine the types of loans the SBA makes, the cost of these loans and the procedures for determining who obtains the loans. There are major flaws in the way the SBA manages its current loan portfolio. These flaws have resulted in an above average rate of default on SBA loans. Chapter III examines these faults. Chapter IV deals with solutions to the SBA's problems. These solutions are divided into three parts. The first recommendation suggests ways the SBA can better utilize their current resources and programs. It also suggests changes in policy and management styles to improve current practices. The second part of the solution deals with changes Congress has to make in the current laws. These changes include increasing fees, lowering the SBA's

I would like to thank the University of North Dakota graduate faculty and staff for all the help they have given me while working on my Master's Degree. Dr. Goulet deserves a special thanks for his guidance and patience as a professor and an academic advisor.

I also want to express my sincere appreciation to my wife, Maureen, for her encouragement and understanding. Her help as an editor, a critic and a wife were invaluable in my pursuit of this Master's Degree.

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