Date of Award

January 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Steven LeMire


Many processes in higher education are complicated by administrative burden and proceduralinefficiencies. The federal government and research universities partner to advance science and technology, but the federal research grant process is criticized for its lack of efficient and streamlined procedures. Staff and faculty alike lament losing valuable time to bureaucratic regulations, cumbersome processes, and burgeoning reporting standards. As the cost of higher education is increasingly scrutinized, current procedures must be analyzed to identify areas of excessive administrative burden and redesigned to maximize efficiency. To address this issue, a Qualtrics survey was deployed to research administrators to identify areas of administrative burden in the context of federal research grant management. Two overarching issues emerged: the lack of consistency across federal grant management systems and processes, and the frequent changes imposed on federal grant management systems and processes. A manuscript will be generated from the findings to discuss these areas of administrative burden and to recommend methods to ameliorate procedural inefficiencies in federal research grant management.
