"Instructional Coach Professional Learning: Developing Reflective Pract" by Mena Hill


Mena Hill

Date of Award

January 2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Bonni Gourneau

Second Advisor

Pamela Beck


Effective instructional coaching programs have the potential to promote the development of reflective practices, cultural competence, and self-efficacy of educators, but require intentional professional development for coaches. This research inquiry examines instructional coach participants’ reflective practices, cultural competence, and self-efficacy after participating in an eight-week asynchronous Coach-Teacher Partnership Toolkit (CTPT) professional development course and the effects of the CTPT course on their coaching practices (Hill, 2021c). This study also examines teacher perceptions of cultural competence and reflective practice development as related to organizational and instructional coaching supports.

Results of the study indicate instructional coaches desire ongoing and purposeful professional development in order to continue to develop more than technical coaching skills. In direct response to the data collected within the study, the year-long, differentiated Coach-Teacher Partnership (CTP) Coaching Courses were specifically designed to support the ongoing professional development of instructional coaches’ reflective practices, cultural competence, and self-efficacy (Hill, 2022).

Teacher participants in this study confirm the importance of a foundational coach-teacher partnership. Even when the participants felt comfortable with their overall cultural competence, they knew they would benefit from additional and continuous cultural competence-specific professional development. a deeper awareness of the existing dominant culture in education, its implications for relationships, and the importance of knowing, understanding, and addressing systemic cultural inequities.
