"Lignite Transportation By Pipeline: A Study Simulating Flow Characteri" by Leland E. Paulson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Chemical Engineering


Inland 3* Bsuloon, blaster of Science Variable© affecting the degradation daring transportation of coal In o closed pipeline were investigated using a rotating wheel to olzuulsfce t .; actual flow conditions. 3tudied was the distance traveled. In itial particle else, in itia l moisture content, aoncontjpatlan of solids In slurry, vlsooelty of carrier nodiun, and the use of leomrdito gel as a carrier nedltsu lignite was used In mart tests; a Halted number of oos^parstive tests were node using bituminous coal. Both lignite and bituminous ooal particles were found to decrease in else (degrade) during transportation* Lignite degraded more than bituminous ooal* Degradation of lignite was shown to be a direct function of distance traveled and of concentration of solids, and an inverse function of In itia l moisture content, the viscosity of the carrier medium and the particle else* Wearing of particles contributed store to degradation than did actual breaking* Separation of solids fron the carrier radium after transportation la one of the major problem In pipelining, fturtloles of lignite and bitmtaoue coal larger than 20 mesh could be separated by screening. La contrast to transported bituminous coal, transported lignite particles smaller than 28 nosh (of uhi Ja essentially a ll were under *200 mesh)

smaller than 28 nosh (of uhi Ja essentially a ll were under *200 mesh) Ui The interface vouM. readily co ttle .until m apparent equiHbrlxsa camcerw tmfclan o f .salide vm reached. 'date o f s e ttlin g vm dependent upon the in it ia l concentration o f ®olM»« laoaardlte, oasSAof hydrxctcUi vlth water. *Wy* riaoosity
