Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Education, Health & Behavior Studies


The purpose of this study was to determine whether the overhand, sldearra or underarm throw was the most accurate. Twenty boys from the Grand Forks, North Dakota, Park Board Babe Huth and Rookie League baseball programs participated in the study. The test activity Included fielding ground balls from different angles and throwing for accuracy using the three methods mentioned. A retest involving seven of the subjects was administered later to determine whether any consistency existed In the methods of throwing being used.

Two statistical comparisons were: (1) a within group comparison Involving the results of the means of the three types of throwing methods used, (2) a within group comparison between the results of the pro- and post-teats. The null hypothesis mis tested with the "t" technique for the difference between means derived from correlated scores from small samples.

Based on the results of this study, it seems apparent that the use of the overhand throw resulted in the most skillful performance when fielding and throwing a baseball for aecuraoy regardless of direotlon from which the ball approaohed. Also, the treatment of the data with respect to the test-retest comparison indicated no significant difference at the ,05 level indicating reasonable consistency in the test results.
