Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Education, Health & Behavior Studies


The purpose of this study was to determine the differences, if any, which might occur in the reaction time of two groups, one of which took part in a training program using the Variable Speed Rotating Pitching Machine and another group which did not.

The participants in this study consisted of eighteen freshman baseball candidates at the University of North Dakota. A Meylan Reaction-Action Timer was used to test all participants in reaction time before and after a six week experimental period using the matched pairs technique. Nine subjects were placed in the control group and nine subjects were placed in the experimental group.

The experimental group participated in a systematic training program three days a week for a period of six weeks using the Variable Speed Rotating Pitching Machine. The control group participated in normal daily activities.

Two statistical comparisons were made: (1) a within group comparison between the test and retest means of each group, and (2) a comparison between the means on the retests of each group. The null hypothesis was assumed in analyzing the significance of the difference between means at the .05 level.

The results of the comparison showed an improvement, although not significant, by the experimental group in reaction time. The control group evidenced a significant difference in reaction time at the .05 level.

It was concluded that at the end of the six week training period, the experimental group was significantly faster in reaction time (at the .05 level) than was the control group. The final conclusion was that: participation in a systematic Variable Speed Rotating Pitching Machine could improve the reaction time of college freshman baseball players, at least in the manner tested in this study.
