"Airport Solar and Geothermal Power" by Raymond Mills


Raymond Mills

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




This research study has been developed to understand how solar and geothermal energy systems are being utilized by airports throughout the United States. There is currently lit- tle specific research on this topic. As fuel prices continue to rise and sources of non- renewable energies begin to be unavailable and become economically unviable, it is im- portant that industries such as aviation continue to look toward clean, renewable sources of energy. A survey was developed and distributed to 178 airports throughout the United States to determine adoption rates of solar and geothermal energy systems and a host of other vari- ables that are likely to have an impact on those adoption rates. It was the goal of the study to determine which factors favorably lead to adoption of these promising energy technol- ogies and use that data to provide additional insight for other airports to consider with regards to environmentalism.
