"The Status of Track and Field Athletics in Manitoba High Schools" by William J. Hicks

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Education, Health & Behavior Studies


The purpose of thla study was to discover the and the status of track and field athletics In the hl-.h schools of Want to bn with enrollments of 150 students or wore* questionnaires were sent to 5)6 birch schools and 33 questionnaires (90.46 per cent) were returned. 3lx respondents stated tb they did not have track and field pro :rams*

The questionnaires supplied information on such areas of track and field as degree of participation, amount of facilities and equipment, meet attendance, instruction, trainin'* methods, officiating, safety and first, aid croc*lures, finances, special problems, and methods of prorotion.

The data from the returned questionnaires were tabulated and analysed, and cone of the more important conclusions drawn were as followss 1# Severity-seven {Cdj,?? per cent) of the surveyed schools participated in track and field to some do ree. 2* The majority of schools lacked equipment essential to conduct a full track and field program. 3, Over 50 per cent of the respondents reported their teams participated in two or more Indoor meets ***iS« n v* ts x 0 < .i */ wo *. - • v rn) v b ouoo.no r !»©©■&» p« Jt> 7-f# A T» /* «;*! •• • .',. .. • V' 1 'D pox* sent of the i a oh tfe® co&eh of the ^ 1^55 OlC and field teams i mvo in phTs1c al ©duo n it ion. g*f Li ♦ /» O A Tie! a tin./' of track and f lei ttrUfJ. of ZWBTfM?® OT . T* duality in 98. TL •■or < 4* hr* i*j*tu*« r # Ait/ef ’■ $ per cent of the coaei !(iS Pi V. «,+■ us. In fu ’lir© In con: 7. Tj>© av rack and : field p- ' * The b©: ere belle* iy*)d to ion tnatr* actio no' r»th the boTS * and -:trla * on tun® pnysioax Bduea* pros Tans*
