Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Geography & Geographic Information Science


The purpose of this study is to present * geographic survey of Grant County, North Dakota, in the areas of physical, economic, and cultural geography.

Procedures utilised involved a gathering of source material from libraries and various state and county officials. All gathered material was read and analysed, a ground survey of the county was made, photographs ware taken, and maps were compiled from gathered information.

Grant County is located in south-western North Dakota on the Missouri Plateau. The county is irregular in shape and has an area of 1,672 square miles. The ares has a mid-continental, BSw climate, January temperatures average 12,2° and July averages 70,6°. Average annual precipitation is 16,46 inches.

The topography of the county exhibits great variation but may generally be classified as gently rolling, Morton end Bainville are the predominant soil types,

Water resources are limited to a faw permanent rivers, one large lake, stock dams and intermittent streams,

The economy of Grant County is primarily agricultural. Livestock and cash-grain farms dominate. Mineral resources are limited with the exception of lignite.

The population of Grant County began to decline in 1930, a trend which still continues. The I960 population of the oounty was 6,2^8, Permanent settlement in the area began about 1900 and began on a large scale In 1910,

The county has an adequate transportation system* a reasonably well developed school system and limited but varied recreational facilities*
