"An Analysis of Students' Perceptions to Just Culture in the Aviation I" by Lazo Akram Mohammad

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




The research will focus on the discussion of the ways in which the top-down nature of Safety Management Systems (SMS) can be used to create „Just Culture‟ within the aviation industry. Specific focus will be placed on an aviation program conducted by an accredited university, with the institution in focus being the midwest aviation training program. To this end, a variety of different aspects of safety culture in aviation and aviation management will be considered. The focus on the implementation strategies vital for the existence of a „Just Culture‟ within the aviation industry in general, and particularly within the aforementioned institution‟s aerospace program. Some ideas and perspectives will be subsequently suggested and designed for implementation, within the institution‟s program. The aspect of enhancing the overall safety output gained, from the institution, as per standards set within the greater American Aviation industry will be examined. Overall, the paper will seek to showcase the vital importance of implementing the SMS standardization model in the institution‟s Aerospace program, while providing some areas of concern. Such concerns will be based on a number of issues, which are pertinent to the overall enhancement of the institution‟s observance of aviation safety. This will be both in general application of an SMS, as well as personalized/ specific applications in areas in need of improvement. Overall, through the paper, the author hopes to provide a better understanding of the institution‟s placement, with regard to not only aviation safety, but also the implementation of an effective „Just Culture‟ within the program.
