"Safety Culture: An Assessment of a Collegiate Aviation Program" by Daniel Kwasi Adjekum

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




An assessment of the safety culture at an accredited four year collegiate aviation program was conducted. The Collegiate Aviation Program Safety Culture Assessment Survey (CAPSCAS) was used. Participants were drawn from flight students and instructors in the program. The survey captured the perceptions of participants on the status of the safety culture in the program. Generally the participants had a good perception of the safety culture in the program. There were significant variances in the perception of respondents on the safety culture by year groups and it was observed that respondents, who had spent more years in the program, had a better perception, on the safety culture. There were also significant differences in the perceptions of US resident students and international contract students, with the latter having a less favorable perception of the safety culture in the program. The results show that differences in national culture can have an effect on perceptions on safety culture. Risky personal attitudes of respondents that could influences safety behaviors were correlated with their perception on the safety culture and a safety risk prediction model was proposed.
