Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Kinesiology & Public Health Education


The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in mean heart rate, if any between drown-proofing and supine floating.

Heart rate was recorded by the researcher by palpating the radial artery for one-half minute.

One group of ten subjects was used in this study. This group was tested in the spring of 1969. The subjects were tested twice with each session lasting one hour. During each session drownproofing and supine floating were each administered for one-half hour. The subjects were tested six times during each half hour session.

Comparisons were made between the mean differences for each method of survival for all six recordings. The null hypothesis was assumed in making comparisons at the .05 level. This hypothesis was tested with the "t" technique for the significance of the difference between means derived from correlated scores from small samples.

The conclusions indicated that supine floating required less energy, as determined by pulse rate, than drown-proofing at each of the six five-minute intervals for the ten subjects participating in this study. Results at the end of the first five-minute interval were significant at the .05 level of confidence. Results at all other intervals were significant at the .01 level of confidence.
