Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Kinesiology & Public Health Education


The lack of fitness exhibited by American men tested for induction into the military service prompted the development of fitness tests to assay the physical fitness of our nation's youth. The Grand Forks Test was designed to determine the level of fitness of the youth in the Grand Forks Public Schools. This study was formulated to determine the reliability and validity of the Grand Forks Fitness Test.

A stratified random sample of forty-two boys from Central High School completed the testing phase of this study. Each subject was tested on three consecutive mornings. The Grand Forks Test was administered the first two mornings and a test-retest analysis by the Pearson Product Moment correlation technique was used to determine whether the difference between the means was significant. In order to validate the Grand Forks Test, a criterion test was administered the third day and the data compared to the scores recorded from the first test session. The criterion test was designed on the basis of a kinesiological analysis of the test items and as a result of Fleishman's criterion measure for each test item.

The recorded data were programmed into an IBM computer and the correlation coefficients were calculated. The significance of these coefficients was tested by comparing them to correlation values published in Garrett. The correlation coefficients indicated that all items in the Grand Forks Test were reliable. With the exception of the shuttle run, all of the test items were found to be valid.
