Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Geography & Geographic Information Science


Densitometrie analysis of separation negatives, Ektachrome and Infrared Ektachrorae film was performed to determine the tone signature from the films and to compare the respective tone signatures for reliability and use.

Three types of vegetation, coniferous and deciduous trees and grass, were used as targets for all the photography in this study.

The analysis and comparison of data used in this investigation revealed that density fluctuations within a specific spectrum band of a particular target were too great to yield a reliable and identifiable tone signature.

Analysis of the data revealed that the density differences between adjacent spectral bands remain relatively constant for a given target. The densities were graphed against the wave length and slopes of the lines connecting adjacent densities determined.

Chi-Square contingency tests indicate that Ektachrorae and Infrared Ektachrorae density slopes are significantly dependant and that the separation positive density slopes are highly independant. Therefore, it appears from the data used in this investigation that only the Ektachrorae and Infrared Ektachrorae density slope tone signatures can be used for identification of the targets utilized in the study.

It appears that the density slope method of tone signature determination compensates for error in exposure and developing procedure by eliminating the use of absolute density and relying on density differences between adjacent spectral bands.
