"A Description of Secondary School Principals in Minnesota and Their Jo" by Nicholas J. Miller

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Teaching & Learning


The purpose of this study was to describe the secondary principals of Minnesota and co measure their job satisfaction and the relationship of this satisfaction to selected background variables.

Questionnaires were mailed to 402 principals of schools with grades 7-12, 2, or '0 '2. Usable responses were received from 366 (91 percent; n± , r tincipals. The f irst part of the questionnaire was the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) which measured the respondents’ perceptions of their job satisfaction and yielded an intrinsic, extrinsic, and overall satisfaction score. The second part of the questionnaire collected responses to selected background variables.

Analysis of the data gathered permitted the following conclusions:

1) The secondary principals’nip in Minnesota is a male-dominated profession. Only 3.6 percent of the respondents were female. A high percentage (39 percent) of the respondents were included in the ages from 40-49 years. The respondents had an average of approximately 1.4 years of educational administrative experience and had been in their present position an average of eight years. Over 97 percent of the respondents had completed at least a Master’s Degree. The average enrollment of the respondents' schools was 568, but approximately 55 percent of the schools had an enrollment of less than 400 students. The mean yearly salary of the respondents was $38,553; the salaries ranged from a low $22,000 to a high of $27,500.

2) The MSQ overall satisfaction mean score of the respondents was 3.5 of a possible 5. The respondents' intrinsic mean score (3.7) was significantly higher than their extrinsic mean score (3.1). A1though there was a significant difference between the intrinsic and extrinsic mean scores, there also was a significant correlation between these mean scores. As the intrinsic mean scores increased, the extrinsic mean scores also increased.

3) No significant relationships were found between the background variables of sex, age, total years of educational administrative experience, years in present position, or highest degree earned and any of the three MSQ satisfaction scores.

4) Significant relationships were found between the background variables of total number of educational positions held, present school enrollment, number of assistant principals and/ or administrative assistants, salary, and satisfaction of respondent considering the actual role in comparison to what he/she would like it to be and the three MSQ satisfaction scores.
