"A Portait of Three Elementary Music Teachers: Their Classrooms and Sel" by Mary H. Ingram

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership


This study explores the self-perceptions of three elementary music teachers. The areas discussed include musical and educational backgrounds, self-perceptions of teaching, and composing and performing activities. Research pi'oviding such an in-depth look at individual elementary music teachers has not been done in the past.

Tlie data was gathered through classroom observation and individual interviews of the three teachers to discuss the various aspects of teaching. Each teacher was observed on three separate occasions, at one week intervals, teaching the same three half-hour classes each day. The observations wore made prior to the interview session in order to provide a context for the topics discussed during the Interview. Each teacher was interviewed for three to four hours, regarding musical memories, educational background, teaching experiences, .and personal and professional composing and performing experiences.

The study resulted in individual portraits of the three teachers. Commonalities and uniquenesses among the three teachers were noted. Recommendations that emerged from the study suggest that the teacher preparation program for elementary music teachers include composing for children, dealing with a variety of student behaviors in the classroom, and discussing the variety of roles a music teacher must assume. Additional recommendations include reexamining the reality of the expectations placed upon elementary music teachers and studying additional music educators to provide further insight into teacher’s self-perceptions and the use of compositional and performing skills in the elementary’ classroom.
