Date of Award

January 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Foundations & Research

First Advisor

Dr. Robert Stupnisky

Second Advisor

Dr. Steven LeMire


Alcohol use and abuse is an important issue amongst college students, and the totality of impacts are still misunderstood. Identification of high-risk alcohol abuse problems leads universities to intervene; however, the emotional, personal, and academic impacts of such mandated intervention programs is unclear. Helping universities understand students’ alcohol abuse challenges can aid appropriate interventions, as well as improve student well-being and academic success.

The purpose of this study is to examine the Student Chemical Assessment Review Program (SCARP), specifically to explore its impacts on student variables (university motivation, readiness/importance of confidence to change, self-esteem, guilt, shame, depression, anxiety, and resiliency) hypothesized to decrease alcohol use. SCARP focuses on university students who have already completed a preliminary intervention program or were deemed high-risk by a campus entity (e.g., hospitalization due to overdose or twice the legal limit BAC infraction).

Participants post-SCARP who had less alcohol dependent use scores also reported decreased depression, decreased shameful feelings towards self, decreased anxiety, and increased resiliency. Females tended to score lower on the Alcohol use questionnaire, higher on emotion scales of guilt and shame and lower on self-esteem. Existing differences and significant correlations suggest a need to continue research for alcohol use interventions on college campuses that focuses on gender differences, resiliency, university motivation, self-esteem, and emotions that are impacted by alcohol use.
