"The Value Of Existential Worlds: Creation And Validation Of A Measure " by Matthew Robert Rozzi

Date of Award

January 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Counseling Psychology & Community Services

First Advisor

Cindy Juntunen


The field of counseling psychology is increasingly focused on understanding clients in holistic and non-pathologizing ways. Existential theory provides the four-worlds model for exploring human existence in line with this modern psychological zeitgeist. In this model, humans are understood to exist simultaneously in four “worlds” or “dimensions”: physical (umwelt), social (mitwelt), psychological (eigenwelt), and spiritual/philosophical (uberwelt). This measure construction project is the first known study to examine the personal importance (value) of existing in each world. The Value of Existential Worlds (VEW) was created and psychometrically examined. From the initial 63-items, a shorter (20-item) version was created which demonstrated a clear 4 factor model based in theory. With a sample of 202 individuals, the VEW scales demonstrated excellent internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) ranging from .87 for the Umwelt scale to .81 on the Mitwelt scale. Initial evidence for validity includes VEW scales correlating significantly with theoretically related scales. The Umwelt (physical world) scale was significantly correlated with the Antianthropocentrism subscale (r = .23, p < .01). The Mitwelt (social world) scale was significantly correlated with the Social Well-Being Scale (r = .37, p < .01). The Eigenwelt (psychological world) scale was significantly correlated with the Authenticity Scale Self-Alienation subscale (r = -.31, p < .01). The Uberwelt (spiritual/philosophical world) scale was significantly correlated with the Spiritual Meaning Scale (r = .60, p < .01) and the Purpose in Life Test (r = .49, p < .01).
