"A Comparison of the Professional Development of Graduate Nursing Stude" by Lonna T. Milburn and Nancy L. Mosbaek

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




The purpose of this study was to compare the professional development of graduate nursing students enrolled in distance courses with those enrolled in on- campus courses. A census sample of distant graduate nursing students (n=18) and a random sample of on- campus graduate nursing students (n=28) responded to a demographic tool and Hall's Professional Inventory. A significant difference was noted between the distance students and on-campus students in belief in service to the public-Scale B, with distance students having a stronger belief in service to the public. A significant number of distance students belonged to the American Nurses Association, while the majority of on- campus students belonged to specialty organizations. More on-campus students than distance students planned a change in place of employment and a change of position in employment. Distance students remain in their home areas after graduation. Students with only the baccalaureate in nursing had a significantly higher belief in service to the public.
