"Freshman Football Players' Preceptions of Factors Influencing their Ch" by Ross Fortier


Ross Fortier

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Teaching & Learning



The purpose of the. study wtt'js to exai^.ne the question of why graduating high school football players make the college selection they do. The study sought to determine what factors influence athletes' decisions at three types of colleges and whether these factors are different for students from different academic, athletic, or socioeconomic backgrounds. An instrument was developed by the writer and administered to freshman football players at six selected small colleges in the upper midvestern United States.

The results of this study were intended to be used by college officials and coaches to gain information about the recruitment process. They may be able to apply some information from this study for the development of their recruiting programs. Recruited athletes, their families, and/or advisors may also be able to use Information f’-orn this study to improve the college selection process.

The major questions answered were: 1. What are the ten most important factors in a selection decision; how do these factors relate to the other characteristics and T does the type of college make a difference? 2. Does perceived academic ability, athletic ability, and socioeconomic status evidence a significant relationship to the factors?

The study concluded that: 1. The ten most Important college selectiu characteristics in order were: (l) academic program availability, (2) academic reputation, (3) head coach, '4) parents, (5) athletic scholarship, (6) football tradition, (7) college location, (3) job placement., (9) financial aid, and (1.0) tuition/housing/eating costs. 2. Relative importance can oe discerned among the characteristics. 3. Eight of the top ten characteristics show a significant difference when the three types of colleges are compared. These are academic program availability, academic reputation, head coach, ■ -parents, athletic scholarship, college location, financial aid, and tuition/housing/eating costs. 4. The study found no significant relationship between perceived academic, ability and any of the ten highest ranked characteristics. 5. Three of- the ten highest ranked characteristics had a * significant relationship with perceived athletic ability. These were, academic program availability, athletic scholarship, and football tradition. 6. Two of the ten highest ranked characteristics had a significant relationship with perceived socioeconomic, status. These were athletic scholarship and financial aid.

