"The Impact of Supplementary Active Air-Type Solar Heating Unit on a Co" by Roger D. Boe


Roger D. Boe

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil Engineering


The concern of this research was to investigate and determine impact of supplementary active air-type solar heating on a conventional heating system. A second concern involved a review of literature regarding the structural design of an active air-type solar heating unit.

This study attempted to: (a) determine the structural design of active air-type solar heatings by a review of literature, (b) collect data from a home utilizing air-type solar heating and conventional system, (c) analyze the data and determine the impact of air-type solar heating units on conventional heating systems, and (d) determine the combined effect of an air-type solar heating unit and conventional heating system in terms of economical implications.

Methods: The research design employed in conducting this study was the descriptive type. Data was compiled by the researcher from records at the University of North Dakota Geographical Weather Station and Northern States Power Company. Related literature was observed as to the design and function of air-type solar units. The least square test and energy calculations were used to interpret data. Data was arranged and presented in a graphic scatter diagram and narrative form.

Conclusions: The conclusions obtained from the analysis were: (a) supple-mentary solar heating can upgrade efficiency of a home and enhance its design, (b) relationships between variables, seasons one and two as pre-treatment data, (c) post-test data demonstrated a significant difference from pre-test data, (d) this solar heating unit has no pay back consideration of installation cost, and (e) the data was not complete enough for a thorough analysis.

Recommendations: It is recommended that: (a) a study be done on varied thermostat settings, (b) an investigation be made into the development of solar economics by incorporating passive solar methods, and (c) a study be conducted in the area of solar energy and its applications for education.
