"Design of a Microprocessor Based Real Time Digital Controller" by Venkatachalam Garimella

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical Engineering


With the availability of microcomputers it is now possible to design low cost digital controllers. In the present work the design of a microprocessor based real time digital controller is presented. The microcomputer used was an 8080 based PROMPT 80. The necessary hardware to interface this computer with a 'plant' was designed and tested. The software for the controller was written such that it can be operated In Proportional, Proportional-Integral and Proportional-Integral-Difference modes. With minor changes in the programs the controller can be operated in Integral, Integral-Difference and Proportional-Difference modes. The. necessary modifications are indicated. The controller performance was tested using a second order plant simulator. The results obtained were compared with the calculated values and it was found that the controller wa° performing as expected. A complete listing of programs and instructions to operate the controller are given*.
