"NMR Characterization And Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Surfacta" by Mohamed Mohamed Awad Mohamed

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Petroleum Engineering

First Advisor

Hui Pu


The main goal in this research is characterization of the Bakken and Three Forks formations using NMR and conduct phase behavior tests to find a formulation suitable for spontaneous imbibition test for Middle Bakken core samples under the Bakken reservoir temperature and brine salinity.

NMR measurements were performed for as-received twin core samples from the Upper Bakken, Middle Bakken and Three Forks formation and after saturation with Bakken formation brine and octane. The measurements were conducted using 2.3 MHz and 22 MHz Larmor frequencies. The measurements also conducted at 25° and 100°C using 2.3 MHz Larmor frequency only. EOR potential of surfactants on oil production from middle Bakken core samples was evaluated. Surfactants were selected from phase behavior test results of 13 thermally stable surfactants and 24 blend scan tests. Interfacial Tension (IFT) was measured and spontaneous imbibition test was conducted using octane and light crude oil.

This research presents the use of NMR to characterize the Bakken and Three Forks formations as well as frequency and temperature dependence effect. The selected surfactant blend was able to increase the oil recovery in both octane and light crude oil saturated core samples with ~ 11% more than brine only.
