"Late Pleistocene and Holocene geology of the Moe Site, New Town, North" by Richard W. Kornbrath

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

L. Clayton


Eight stratigraphic units of Late Cenoioic age are present around the Moe Archeological Site near New Town, North Dakota. Unit Zero is a layer of glacial sediment consisting of grayish brown pebbly clay loam. Unit One consists of fluvial and beach sand and gravel. Unit Two consists of light yellowish brown, offshore lake silt that was deposited into a glacial lake in Late Wisconsinan time. Unit Three is a layer of glacial sediment consisting of grayish brown pebbly clay loam (Late Wisconsinan). Unit Four consists of fluvial sand and gravel (Late Wisconsinan}. Unit Five is a layer of slough sediment consisting of silt and clay rich in organic matter (Late Wisconsinan to present). Unit Six is a layer of valley-bottom and fluvial overbank sediment consisting of light yellowish brown sandy silt and clayey silt (Late Wisconsinan to present}. The Oahe Formation is a layer of wind-blown silt that was deposited during the Holocene Epoch. It is divided into four members. These are, from bottom to top, the Mallard Island Member (Late Wisconsinan), which is light-colored and sandy, the Aggie Brown Member (Late Wisconsinan to Early Holocene), which is the mollic horizon of a paleosol, the Pick City Member, which is light-colored, and was probably derived from unstable hillslopes during the warm, dry Middle Holocene Age, and the Riverdale Member (Late Holocene), which is slightly darker colored than the other members.

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