"Conflict In Couples Therapy: Enhancing Relationships Through A Video T" by Chasidy I. Faith

Date of Award

January 2013

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Counseling Psychology & Community Services

First Advisor

Kara Wettersten


The current study examined the effectiveness of a Gottman-based intervention (2007) aimed to increase effective conflict communication. The study utilized a single case design to examine two couple's conflict interactions through the use of a video tape feedback intervention and psychoeducation about effective and ineffective conflict communication. Couples completed a four week pre-test measurement phase, three sessions of video tape feedback, and four week post-test measurement phase. Through visual analysis, the study investigated the effect that this conflict management intervention had on relational satisfaction and adjustment, life satisfaction, overall distress levels, and conflict abilities. Findings of the current study were mixed. Overall, the use of a video tape feedback intervention had a positive impact on couples conflict abilities. However, there was less support found for the impact on relationship satisfaction, overall satisfaction, and overall well-being. Implications and considerations for future research are discussed.
