"Peer Mentoring And Empathy" by Ronald Wayne Hochstatter

Date of Award

January 2012

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Pamela Kalbfleisch

Second Advisor

Thomas Petros


This study investigated the impacts of mentoring training, empathy training and sex difference on peer mentoring relationships. Mentoring training was conducted by the investigator and empathy training was provided by the University of North Dakota's Conflict Resolution Center. A total of 174 participants enrolled in an eight-week peer mentoring program. Participants were randomly selected and placed in four groups, no training, mentoring training, empathy training and both mentoring and empathy training. Mentors were asked to complete the Interpersonal Reactivity Index and the Prosocial Personality Battery. Protégés were asked to complete the Protégé Satisfaction Scale and the Relational Assessment Scale. Findings revealed that training did not have a significant impact on empathy expression. Results confirmed female mentors display more other-oriented empathy than male mentors. Results revealed no significant difference in satisfactions levels between males and females. Finally, results demonstrated that mentoring training led to more satisfied protégés.
