"Design And Testing Validation Of An Extendable Pressurized Tunnel For " by Timothy Jani Holland

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Space Studies

First Advisor

Vadim Rygalov


In the design of the UND inflatable lunar habitat (ILH), the need for an extendable pressurized tunnel to link the habitat to a wheeled terrestrial vehicle (rover), and secure the connection between both elements is one of the critical problems to be solved in order to test the validity of the ILH concept. The design of an extendable pressurized tunnel is required in order to allow access to and from the rover without the use of pressure suits. It is expected than using an extendable tunnel will allow simple docking procedures. An experimental process is required to determine the best procedure to dock the pressurized rover with the habitat. This will be done by a number of tests to determine the docking position. Testing of the docking element, extension units, and docking position will be required. This will prove that this design of an extendable pressurized tunnel is a valid solution to the problem.

BladderTesting.wmv (110539 kB)
