"Martin Buber's Concept of Mutuality and its Potential Implications for" by I. Gladys Krueger

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Teaching & Learning


The purpose of this study is to identify and examine Martin Buber's concept of mutuality with implications for the teaching of music. Three major Buberian suppositions are discussed in relation to the musical learning process that occurs within the child: (1) Mutuality between the teacher and the child, (2) Buber's thought on creativity and its teleological potential for the education of the whole child, and (3) the dualism that is inherent within the responsibility of freedom. Integrative within these suppositions are the concepts of confidence, the instinct of power, the instinct of Eros, the originator instinct, the instinct of communion, and the compulsion and communion that is within the realm of freedom.

The results of the study are as follows. Buber offers no methodology for the teaching of music. It is the teacher's existential responsibility to select the teleology for the child from the effective musical world.

The art of music is one of the transmitting factors of culture and value. This transmission enables the teacher, who is likened to the perfected leader, to prepare the way for the musical learning of the child. This leader cannot develop the creative powers within the child; that is the child's responsibility. The child's I longs for relation with the Thou of the musical encounter, and he or she reaches out to the encounter with the originator instinct. This constructive instinct forms a new, unique existent that is met with educative forces through the teacher's direction, and the child enters into communion by experiencing the music.

It is concluded that the music teacher is to be in relation with the self before she or he can transmit the spirit of the art of music to others. Buber's thought on creativity is conducive to the unification of the musical community. It is only through the I-Thou relationship between the child and the encounter of the musical world that the spirit of the art of music will continue to exist.
