"Bring the Self Back In: An Empirical Critique of the Oversocialized Co" by Kimberly Ann Tyler-Ayers

Bring the Self Back In: An Empirical Critique of the Oversocialized Conception of Women in Sport

Kimberly Ann Tyler-Ayers

This thesis has been withdrawn as it is a duplicate, the original can be found here:



This study takes a grounded theory approach to female socialisation into sport. It argue* that social learning theory provides an inadequate theoretical framework for understanding female socialisation into sport due to its emphasis on external socialising agents. This focus encourages an oversocialised view of the individual that generally falls to recognise the central role of the self in the socialisation process. Semi-structured interviews with college level athletes, semi-athletes ami non-athletes illustrates the prominent role ©f the self throughout the life course in socialisation and social behavior.