"The Value of Transcultural Nursing Education: Perceptions of Nursing G" by Jane E. Bergland

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Teaching & Learning


The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine the value of transcultural nursing education as perceived by eight graduates from Minnesota State University Moorhead's baccalaureate nursing program. Perceptions of nurses' care provision and what influenced those care provision choices where obtained during first interviews when they reflected upon a culturally sensitive fictitious scenario. Second interviews were conducted with each interviewee in which they were given the opportunity to expand on their perceptions and verify conclusions being drawn. Reliability was established when half of the interview transcripts were analyzed by a nursing professor with experience in qualitative research. The study occurred during the spring, summer and fall semesters of 2002.

The study focused on nursing graduates' perceptions of care provisions that might be required considering the presenting condition of this baby and the culturally sensitive scenario. The participants' perceptions of what factors influenced care delivery were also explored.

After coding the interview data and establishing categories of responses, the following two themes emerged. (1) Participants perceived that caring for the physical needs of the baby were paramount, however, nursing care must have been provided within the context of the family. Care provision was holistic and culturally sensitive. (2) When providing care in a culturally sensitive situation, participants perceived that culturally competent nursing care was impacted directly by their Bachelor of Science in Nursing education (which included the transcultural nursing course), experience, personal characteristics of the nurse, and work settings.

One might symbolize the results of this study as parts of a four-legged table. The four categories of education, experience, personal characteristics of the nurse, and work settings were the legs that held up the holistic, culturally sensitive care provision of the baby and the family. If one of these legs were pulled out, the table would collapse and quality care would not be provided. The participants perceived that all of these factors impacted the plan of care. Recommendations for the field of nursing, the nursing program at Minnesota State University Moorhead and suggestions for further research were made as a result of this study's findings.
