Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)



First Advisor

Dr. Frank R. Karner


The McVille aquifer occupies a preglacial diversion trench in Upper Cretaceous shales. The trench is approximately 30 miles long, 1/4 to 3/4 miles wide, and crosses the southwestern half of the county in a southeasterly direction from T.152N., R.61W., to T.149N., R.58W.

The aquifer materials are pleistocene glaciofluvial sands and gravel. Till, silt, and clay are also found in the trench and overlying the aquifer.

Recharge is primarily through glacial outwash overlying the aquifer and occurs in the spring. Water is discharged to Stump Lake, a large closed lake, and to the Sheyenne River.

A generalized representation of the flow system shows that water entering the aquifer in the south-central part of the country flows in two directions; southeast toward Griggs County and northwest toward Ramsey County.

The water is mostly of the calcium-bicarbonate type in the southeastern section of the aquifer with a range of 273-935 mg/l total dissolved solids. Water in the northwestern section is of the sodium-bicarbonate or sulfate type with a range of 1200-2400 mg/l total dissolved solids.
