Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)




In south-central Logan County, North Dakota, west of the Burnstad or Altamont Moraine is exposed a well indurated-limonite-goethite cemented glacial drift. The writer believes the origin of the cementing material to be similar to that of most bog-iron ores, and that this cement accumulated during a pre-Wisconsin interglacial age.

The glacial drift directly overlying the iron-cemented drift has previously been assigned to the Tazewell (?) sub-age; however, the writer believes it to be Iowan in age. If this is proven to be true, by C14 datings now in process, the iron-cemented drift is pre-Wisconsin in age, the first such deposit reported from this part of North Dakota.

A possible sequence of events is offered to explain the entire Pleistocene history of the outcrop area.
