"A Survey of Perception and Awareness of Physical Therapy Services in N" by Dustin Carter, Nathanyal Jacklitch et al.

Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Master of Physical Therapy (MPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Renee Mabey


Delivery of Health Care -- North Dakota; Public Opinion


Physical therapists treat patients with a wide array of medical conditions, diseases, and dysfunctions in a variety of settings across the state of North Dakota. Few studies have been conducted to determine the level of public awareness of physical therapy and/or the existing perceptions toward physical therapy. The purpose of this study is 1) to determine the level of public awareness concerning physical therapy services that exist in North Dakota and 2) to determine the public perceptions of North Dakota residents towards physical therapy. The results of this survey were analyzed according to descriptive and analytical statistics and were shared with the University of North Dakota Physical Therapy Department and the North Dakota Physical Therapy Association.

Results suggest a need to inform North Dakota residents of particular physical therapy services in order to increase their awareness. It was also shown that specific demographic groups demonstrated a need for increased awareness of physical therapy services available to them.
