"An Electromyographic Study of the Effects of Plyometric Training Shoes" by Susan Buckley

Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Master of Physical Therapy (MPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Thomas Mohr


Muscles -- physiology; Shoes


Background and Purpose: P1yometric shoes have recently been introduced as an effective training tool to enhance several aspect of an athlete's ability, including vertical jump. The SkyF1ex@ system utilizes p1yomteric training shoes in conjuction with p1yometric exercises and drills to achieve maximum athletic performance. There is currently limited research to validate the manufacturer's claims of increasing vertical jump. The purpose of this study is twofold: l)To describe muscle activity during walking and jumping while wearing traditional athletic shoes and p1yometric training shoes. 2)To measure the vertical jump of subjects trained with p1yometric training shoes and a control group of subjects trained with traditional athletic shoes.

Subjects/Methods: l)Ten male subjects participated in lower extremity EMG analysis while walking and jumping with p1yometric and traditional athletic shoes. The EMG data was analyzed for each muscle tested. 2)Thirty male subjects participated in a four week plyometric training program, one group training with p1yometric and the other with traditional athletic shoes. Their vertical jump height was measured initially and then at the end of each week. A paired samples t-test and ANCOV A was used to analyze the data.

Results: l)A significant increase in EMG activity was found in the anterior tibialis and the gastrocnemius during walking when wearing SkyF1ex@ shoes as compared to traditional shoes. No significant increase was noted during vertical jump. 2)The SkyFlex® training group did not demonstrate a more significant increase in vertical jump height as compared to the traditional athletic shoe group (p<.05).

Conclusion: The SkyFlex® plyometric shoe is no more effective in increasing vertical jump height than traditional plyometric training programs.
