Date of Award


Document Type



Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Meridee Danks


Arteriovenous malformation, conservative management, invasive, hemorrhage, anxiety, dynamic balance, static balance.


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Arteriovenous malformations are irregular connections between arteries and veins, while they can occur anywhere in the body, they are the most common in the brain and the spinal cord. The purpose of this case study is to describe the interventions, treatments, and results of conservative physical therapy for a patient diagnosed with an arteriovenous malformation located in the brainstem.

CASE DESCRIPTION: Descriptive case study of a patient scheduled two times a week for a 6-week episode of care. Conservative physical therapy interventions and treatments included lower extremity strengthening, static and dynamic balance training, gait training on stairs, even, and uneven surfaces, patient education, and emotional support.

OUTCOMES: The patient demonstrated improved safety and independence with functional mobility, improved measurable balance testing results, improved coping and mood, and was able to teach back home exercises and verbalize aspects of the progression of the exercises to maintain long-term mobility goals.

DISCUSSION: Most people with Arteriovenous malformations live long and full lives. Conservative physical management can provide valuable interventions.